This is our special arrangement of the old Bulgarion folk song “Lale li si, zyumbyul li si” (Лале ли си, зюмбюл ли си)
Thank you, Dessy Hristova, for the collaboration and for lending us your wonderful voice!
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Here’s a translation we found on the web:
Are you a tulip? Are you a hyacinth?
Why did you haste ,young man,and you fell asleep,
that way you didn’t see what a wonder passed by
Is it a tulip you are, is it a hyacinth, is it a rose!
What passed by was up to three young shepherds:
The first one is carrying а streaky lamb for them to slaughter
The second one is carrying some sparkling wine for them to drink
the third one is carrying a copper pipe to play on
As that’s not enough what passed by further was up to three maidens of beauty
The first one is carrying a cubit of white silk
The second one is carrying a motley distaff for her to spin
The third one is carrying streaky frame for her to sеw on.
Wake up, drive the sleep away, mister,
and come on their working-bee party
The Bulgarian lyrics:
Lale li si Zumbiul li si
Лале ли си, зюмбюл ли си
Що побърза млад челеби, та заспа,
та не виде какво чудо помина,
лале ли си, зюмбюл ли си, гюл ли си!
Поминаха дор три млади уфчеря:
първи носи шаро агне да коли,
втори носи руйно вино да пият,
трети носи медян кавал да свири.
Че минаха дор три моми хубави:
първа носи аршин бяла коприна,
втора носи пъстра хурка да преде,
третя носи шарен гергеф да шие.
Събуди се, разсъни се, челеби,
че да дойдеш на тяхната седянка!